SABRE Awards Africa 2024 runner-up award

We are honoured to have received the runner-up award at the SABRE Awards Africa 2024 on May 16 in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire!
The SABRE Awards Africa 2024 were hosted during the African Public Relations Association conference in Abidjan on May 13-17. The APRA conference was centred around the theme “One Africa, One Voice: Bridging Africa’s Communication Divide.”
Souleymane Kekele and Latif Ouedraogo of Target Malaria Burkina Faso, Institut de Recherche en Sciences de la Santé, were there to represent the team and receive the prize.
Our submission was “Target Malaria: Disruptive Science Communications Tools for a Science Project in Africa”, awarded to Imperial College London. It highlights our work on developing innovative Science Communications tools for Stakeholder Engagement.
SABRE stands for Superior Achievement in Branding, Reputation & Engagement, and we entered the Not for Profit/Charities category presenting communication tools we use to engage at community and national level, such as entomological videos, village gatherings & theatre plays, stakeholder engagement visuals and animations, virtual insectary tours and videos introducing our country teams.
Thank you to SABRE Awards, all the judges and APRA for hosting a brilliant conference! And congratulations to all the other participants.