
New Uganda team members 

Staff performing morphological identification experiments in the laboratory
By Solome Mukwaya

Project Manager, Uganda Virus Research Institute
Target Malaria Uganda

The team is pleased to welcome five new members to the Target Malaria Uganda team based at the Uganda Virus Research Institute.  

Peter Nkurunziza joins the team as Insectary Manager/Coordinator, bringing over 23 years of working experience. Peter has over 12 years of experience as a Biomedical Lab Sciences Manager and is trained as a Medical Lab Technologist specialising in parasitology. Peter has worked across other disciplines, including hematology, clinical chemistry/microbiology including serology, immunology and HIV-Molecular diagnostics. He has co-authored several publications. He is happy to be returning to UVRI where his career started. 

Hilary Wafula joins the team as a Lab Technologist. He majored in Biochemistry and has 4 years of progressive hands-on experience and training in molecular biology.  Hilary is dedicated to better understanding and solving global health problems. In his free time, he likes to cook. 

Joshua Kusasira joins as Field Entomology Officer with a professional background in Biomedical Laboratory Technology from Makerere University. Joshua has been working for over 10 years on vector-borne diseases, especially focusing on vector biology and behaviour, contributing to knowledge on control and elimination of disease vector. Having grown up in a rural setting in Uganda, where vector borne diseases have been a burden to both human and livestock, he is passionate about health research to improve health. Outside of work he is a football fan, and he loves nature. 

Rogers Atugonza also joins as Field Entomology Officer with 6 years of experience on various vector borne and neglected tropical diseases including malaria, and a diploma in Medical Entomology and Parasitology from Uganda Institute of Allied Health Management Sciences. He has also worked as a lead technician in malaria on Schisto-Track project for 2 years. Outside of work, Rogers enjoys gospel music, counselling and restoring hope in others to help them find sustainable solutions to improve their lives. Rogers also loves comedy and reading. 

Bernard Epanu joins the team as Insectary Assistant. He has an academic background in biological sciences with a degree in Biotechnology. Bernard is driven by a desire to make a positive impact on global health through novel biotechnologies with a passion for advancing science for the betterment of society, and regularly attends trainings that contributes to the development of sustainable, science-based solutions to combat vector-borne diseases and improve the lives of communities around the world. Training areas of interest include insectary management, self-safety, and molecular analytics tools. Outside work, he enjoys a good time with nature, games, working on his health life, long bike rides, and jogging. 

We welcome them to the team and look forward to working towards a world free of malaria.