
New Lab Technician: Tasmin Nixon 

By Tasmin Nixon

Lab Technician, Imperial College London
Target Malaria UK

I am very excited to be joining the Target Malaria team as a Research Technician on the Discovery Team at Imperial College London

I completed my BSc in Biochemistry at UCL this year, and graduated with a year in the industry qualification due to my work at Folium Science based in Bristol. During my 12-month placement, I assembled a reporter assay to test guide RNA effectiveness for CRISPR-Cas antimicrobials through an in vitro fluorescence change without selection of a double antibiotic. Its success led to its implementation in other projects at the company and a first-class mark, plus the personal decision to pursue a more research-guided career.  

Already, from my (almost) 3 weeks at the lab, I have learnt so much and most importantly, been driven to think independently as a scientist following the completion of my undergraduate degree. I currently work in the insectary to rear and maintain multiple mosquito lines, as well as the molecular biology lab for more cloning and plasmid assembly- based projects which I am more familiar with from my previous experience.  

Through my Sudanese heritage, I have spent multiple summers in Sudan and have witnessed the effects of malaria not only to suffering patients but their surrounding community. I am honoured to be involved in researching a solution. 

Beyond science, I love to crochet, so winter hats for everyone!