
Burkina Faso’s National Biosafety Agency states its support to Target Malaria

Posted 5th September 2024 by Prof. Abdoulaye Diabaté

The National Biosafety Agency of Burkina Faso published on August 30, 2024 a press release about the biosafety measures taken in the implementation of the Target Malaria in Burkina Faso at the Institut de Recherche en Sciences de la Santé in Bobo-Dioulasso.

This release calls on the Burkina Faso public to trust the decisions made my Burkinabè regulatory agencies authorising research on genetically modified mosquitoes as part of the  Target Malaria  project.

ANB, in this statement, wishes to reassure national and international public opinion that all biosafety measures have been taken to ensure the safe use of these GMOs both in a contained environment (in the laboratory) and in an open environment (in the environment), for each stage of the project’s development. It also invites the public to have confidence in the state structures and authorities set up to coordinate, develop, monitor and use research for the benefit of our well-being and the development of our country, and to distance themselves from scientific untruths, in particular the conflation of Anopheles mosquitoes, the vectors of malaria (the subject of the Target Malaria project), and Aedes mosquitoes, the vectors of dengue fever”.

Full release (in French): https://www.infosciencesculture.com/en/node/219

Target Malaria supports and scrupulously respects stringent, competent, responsible and transparent regulations to advance research into the use of genetically modified mosquitoes to combat malaria in Burkina Faso and Africa.

This statement reinforces the strong declaration made by the National Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters in August 2024.