Meet the team innovating to End Malaria
Posted 25
World Malaria Day is marked each year on 25 April and brings together the malaria community to highlight global efforts to end malaria, the need for sustained political commitment and continued investment for malaria control and elimination.
This World Malaria Day, we were delighted to feature 44 team members from across our project and share how they are contributing towards the fight against malaria. These showcase colleagues working across our teams in Burkina Faso, Ghana, Uganda as well as the UK, US and Italy, focused on topics ranging from molecular biology to stakeholder engagement.
The theme for this year’s World Malaria Day is “Time to Deliver Zero Malaria: Invest, Innovate, Implement”. Using this theme, we asked team members to reflect on how they are innovating to help deliver Zero Malaria.
Accompanying the images and quotes from our members is a digital artwork created for this occasion to embrace the rich cultures of the African countries we work in. If zoomed in closely, the designs represent shields that represent the malaria researchers protecting communities and fighting against malaria. The symbols featured, including the microscope, the map of Africa, the DNA helix and mosquitoes, encompass different elements of the work we do at Target Malaria.