
Dr. John B. Connolly

Senior Regulatory Science Officer
Target Malaria UK

Regulatory affairs

Dr. John B. Connolly is the Senior Regulatory Science Officer for Target Malaria. He joined Target Malaria at Imperial College London in 2017 and is the Senior Regulatory Science Officer currently responsible for risk analysis and regulatory science in the project.

John started his career in the pharmaceutical industry at Bristol Myers Squibb supporting the EU release of new antipsychotic, before moving to the UK Government’s Department of Health. He spent 15 years there in various roles: Head of Policy and Regulation for gene therapy, stem cells and cloning; Head of advanced therapies and regenerative medicine; and Head of science and research for pandemic preparedness; before he was appointed as Deputy Director of Risk and Governance for the Board of the Department of Health in London.

He has an MSc in Health Policy, a PhD and post-doctoral experience in Drosophila and C. elegans molecular neurogenetics.

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