Time to Deliver Zero Malaria

World Malaria Day is marked each year on 25 April and brings together the global malaria community to highlight global efforts to end malaria, the need for sustained political commitment and continued investment for malaria control and elimination.

The World Malaria Day theme for 2023 highlights the need for urgent action and further investment to ensure investments made to date deliver maximum impact in the fight to end malaria. This World Malaria Day, the global malaria community will come together to:
- Invest in malaria programmes, delivering bold investments in malaria control and elimination to bridge critical funding gaps and accelerate progress.
- Innovate to deliver transformative and improved solutions to end malaria that are tailored to those who need them most.
- Implement national strategies to accelerate progress against this age-old disease by demonstrating leadership, adopting innovative and sustainable approaches, and scaling up national malaria programmes to deliver lifesaving tools to those at the highest risk.
The fight against malaria is one of humanity’s most significant public health successes. Great progress was made in malaria control over the last two decades, resulting in a reduction in overall cases and deaths. But after years of steady declines, malaria cases and deaths are on the rise. Today, a child dies of malaria every minute.

Funding has plateaued, drug and insecticide resistance are increasing, and climate change threatens to push malaria transmission into new regions. These threats are brewing a perfect storm for malaria. Emerging biological threats threaten the effectiveness of existing tools and inadequate investment in controlling the disease in high-burden countries jeopardize the gains made. Meanwhile, last year’s Global Fund Replenishment fell short of what is needed to maintain malaria programmes, scale up the latest innovations and reach everyone at risk.
More than ever before, we must support countries in their efforts to revitalize and sustain the fight against malaria. We must strive to provide better and more equitable access to all health services, vastly increase funding for malaria programs, invest in new approaches and innovations and improve the use of existing tools.
This World Malaria Day, countries and partners must come together to urgently invest in programmes, innovate to develop new tools and approaches and implement national strategies to accelerate progress against this age-old disease.
Now is the time to take decisive action to deliver on our goal of zero malaria and achieve 2030 targets.
Please join the global campaign on April 25th to deliver Zero Malaria!