
Target Malaria is Nominated for the WIRED Innovation Awards

By Dr Tony Nolan

Senior Research Fellow at Imperial College London

Target Malaria is nominated for the WIRED innovation awards – The project has been underway for over 3 years, building on over a decade of prior research. Recently our work has gotten a lot more attention and interest because of the increasing awareness of the potential of gene drives. But for the teams here, our research has been an everyday commitment since we started, even before this was part of the broader conversation on how to fight malaria. So it was very exciting to see Target Malaria shortlisted for the WIRED innovation awards, showing how much our work is relevant to real people’s lives and recognising the game changing power of this technology. The awards are meant to recognise some of the best ideas and innovations that could change our world, and that’s exactly what our work is about. Voting is open until September 30th!