Target Malaria in Uganda is shaping up
It’s an exciting and busy year for Target Malaria in Uganda as plans to build an insectary are now finalized and the implementation has begun.
The site is being prepared and field locations are being expanded. The team is collecting base-line entomological data to help characterise local mosquito populations as well as setting up specialised physical infrastructure and conducting stakeholder engagement activities to explain the project to the local population.
Dr Jonathan Kayondo, Principal Investigator of Target Malaria in Uganda, is enthusiastic about the project and keen to see progress as quickly as possible.
“We are apprehensive that not everything is in our control in particular the capacity building elements but we are confident it will fall in place. We are extremely excited by the new research techniques and approaches to local engagement it’s exciting to see all the specialised facilities in the pipe-line and the new staff that have come on board”, Kayondo said.
The team in Uganda is faced with the challenge of carrying out capacity building and science at the same time but this this is a stong component of the Target Malaria Project
Furthermore, the team in Uganda is strongly supported by the project and can count on a robust international team to exchange and build knowledge and capacity.
As Dr Kayondo said himself, “what’s exciting about this project is that the team is goal driven and there is always a milestone to aspire to which helps to keep everyone focused. The project is well explained and the goals and objectives clearly stated”.